

Check out our GitHub repository (opens in a new tab) to download this plugin.

P3 Payment Gateway for Magento 2


Compatible with Magento 2.3 and Magento 2.4

Supports both Hosted and Direct integrations


  1. If you are upgrading this module, please make sure to disable the module first with bin/magento module:disable P3_PaymentGateway. Afterwards, make sure to delete the app/code/Pixel or app/code/P3 directories that may interfere with the new version. Make sure to delete the P3_PaymentGateway row from the setup_module table in the database so that any database tables required can get created.

  2. Copy the contents of httpdocs to your Magento root directory. If you are asked if you want to replace any existing files, click Yes.

  3. Enable the new module using the command bin/magento module:enable P3_PaymentGateway

  4. Upgrade and re-compile magento so that the system will install the module and create all necessary arrangements for the module. This command can be helpful...

bin/magento setup:upgrade && bin/magento setup:db-schema:upgrade && bin/magento setup:di:compile && chmod 775 -R ./var
  1. Login to the Admin area of Magento. Click on System > Cache Management. Click on the button labelled ‘Flush Magento Cache’, located at the top right of the page.

  2. Click on Stores > Configuration then click on Payment Methods under the Sales heading on the left-hand side of the page. All installed payment methods will be displayed.

  3. Click on Payment Network Gateway to expand the configuration options that you will need to fill out before you can use the module. Here you can also select the hosted or direct integration type. Debugging should be turned off during production.

  4. Head over to the store's settings and select advanced and then system. Once on this page; change the caching type to 'Varnished'.


The processing page /paymentgateway/order/process shows an error page (Page Not Found)

Did you upgrade and re-compile Magento? Otherwise, have you changed either the order controller filename, the directory the order controller was in, or the name of that directory? Do you have the route setup in the /etc/frontend/routes.xml under the route attributes; id of p3 and frontName as p3. Does that same route contain the module element with a name attribute of P3_PaymentGateway? If you answered no to any of these questions. Please set up the appropriate arrangements based on the questions asked and try again after an upgrade & recompile command. Ask support if the error continues.

I get the following error - router requires an id but one isn't set

Go to etc/frontend/routes.xml and make sure the router element uses an id attribute with the value standard

I get the following error - "Module version difference schema version higher/lower than in a database"

Make sure to delete the P3_PaymentGateway row from the setup_module database so that any database tables required can get created during the upgrade/db-schema process upon installation

I get incorrect signature during checkout

Is a signature set up in your configuration both in Magento and the MMS? Make sure this only contains alphabetical and numeric characters without any spaces, full-stops, etc.

I cannot see the Payment Network Gateway in the backend (admin area)

Please try running the following commands:

php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile

The amount, address and name appear to cache upon a checkout Are you using the latest version of this module which fixes this issue?

Rebrand Instructions

The module does not require any editing of file to be used. The options can be changed via the plugin settings. However, you can pre set the module default by following these instructions.

  1. Update module defaults, located in httpdocs/app/PaymentGateway/etc/config.xml

    it is safe to update following options: [title, merchant_id, merchant_shared_key, integration_type]

    Note: for integration_type available options are [hosted, iframe, hosted_modal, direct]

  2. Update label from httpdocs/app/PaymentGateway/etc/adminhtml/system.xml to change how the Magento will show your Payment Method

     <group id="P3_PaymentGateway" translate="label" type="text" sortOrder="0" showInDefault="1" showInWebsite="1" showInStore="1">
         <label>My Custom Name</label>
        <field id="active" translate="label" type="select" sortOrder="1" showInDefault="1" showInWebsite="1" showInStore="0">

Setup Instructions

Setting up the module requires at a minimum a merchantID, a signature/secret key and a gateway URL i.e. (opens in a new tab) to be entered in the plugin's settings.

You will then need to select an integration type to use.

The module will also need to be enabled so it appears as a payment option on the checkout.